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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  July 8, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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extending there along the coastline. temperatures right now mainly into the 50s outside if you are stepping out the door. by the afternoon, maybe a little hot in spots inland. back into the 90s. a little warmer than yesterday. 93 degrees in livermore. 67 and comfortable into san francisco and 82 in santa rosa. more on your weather in a moment. let's check out the roads. >> busy woodside road remains shut down for a block because of that massive apartment fire over the weekend. if you normally take woodside road, give yourself extra time. there is a detour in place near el camino. expect delays getting through there. shut down both ways near el camino. on the rest of the commute, southbound 880 a little slow approaching the 237 inter change. if you plan on catching bart this morning, they are offering full
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service with no delays. now, the bay bridge commute, it's a monday morning and feels like it at the pay gates with the back ups almost to the 880 over crossing in the fast track lanes. and the golden gate commute looking good into san francisco. that's a look at traffic. now to news. >> thank you. we're following several developt s in the asiana airlines crash at sfo. the airline ceo says the pilot at the controls was getting on the job training when it went down. we also learned the south korea government will inspect the landing equipment on all boeing 777 planes owned by asiana and korean air. and waiting an autopsy to see if one of the crash victims was killed by a response vehicle. this is a live look. the wreckage will probably be there all week as investigators go over the scene. and that means the run way is still closed.
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we have live team coverage this morning. sue kwon is gathering new information. we begin with cate caugurian at sfo on the latest in the investigation. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. we are learning that the pilot in control of that boeing 777 was a veteran flyer but never driven a plane like that before. we do have new video from the ntsb for you. the airline admits the pilot was in training for this type of plane. the pilot only had 43 hours flight time with the boeing 777. investigators also reveal the pilot struggled with the aircraft. almost stalled out in those seconds before the final minutes. about 7 seconds before the plane hit, the crew called for more speed. the plane was going dangerously slow and a second and a half before impact, a crew member called for a go around to avoid crashing.
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the ntsb still says it's too soon to point any fingers. >> the ntsb conducts very thorough investigations. we will not reach a determination of probable cause in the first few days we're on an accident scene. we want to make sure we gather all the evidence and the facts early in the investigation. >> reporter: now, as you mentioned earlier, south korea's government plans to inspect on all boeing 777 planes owned by both asiana and korean airlines. we are hoping for another update later this morning. we know there is a planned briefing at 11:00. reporting live, back to you in the studio. >> we know the pilot was in training. but what do we know about the co-pilot? >> reporter: what i do understand is the co-pilot had more experience with that type of plane. he clocked about 3400 hours of flight time. >> all right. cate caugurian
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live at sfo. thank you. >> 6:03 now. this morning, we may find out if one of the crash victims was killed by a rescue vehicle. 16-year-old wang lin jia and ye meng yuan were headed to a summer camp with their classmates. san francisco fire chief says they are now looking into the possibility that an emergency vehicle rushing to the scene may have hit one of the girls and killed her. that possibility and heart breaking to an already devastated situation. learned their daughter was killed in the accident. she and ye meng yuan were on an educational trip from china. officials believe the girls were sitting in the back of the plane. we've seen a lot of activity outside san francisco general this morning. that's where 17 patients are being treated. 10 passengers are down at stanford.
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kpix 5 reporter sue kwon is at san francisco general. you just spoke to a doctor there. what can you tell us? >> reporter: we did see a group of what appear to be survivors or family members leaving here. one person in crutches. they were leaving here in an muni bus. and that doctor we talked to could not confirm who they were or if they were on that plane. you are looking at video from over the weekend where 53 patients in all were brought here. half of them were children. this doctor says her team has been working on surgeries, on fixing a broken bone and a lot of head injuries, internal, abdominal bleeding. there is much need out there to donate blood. she said in the moment this morning, one of her patients says i am never getting
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on a plane again. and it hit her then, not only were they going to have physical injuries but also mental, psychological issues as they realized what happened. so far the patients have been calm. very thankful. the mood has been somber. and her team has been working around the clock. today they are preparing for surgeries asking the community for blood donations. and these folks need clothing. all of their belongings are not here. we'll have an update from the hospital at 11:00 this morning. reporting live here, back to you. >> thanks for that. experts say the accident shows the 777 is well designed. they point out the fire retardant cabin enabled many people to evacuate safety and the fuselage remained intact during the crash landing and new video of the family
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members loading on the buses leaving china and heading for san francisco. they are expected to alive sometime today. among the 12 parents are those of the two teens who died tragically saturday's crash. more than 100 of the planes, 291 passengers were chinese and a large group of school students. stay right here with kpix and for the latest on the crash landing of flight 214. we'll have more video of the plane crash from viewers as well as survivor stories. go online and check it out. >> nearly 100 people are out of their homes this morning a day after massive fire ripped through an apartment complex. started about 2:00 a.m. yesterday on woodside road between benita and hess avenues. crews found heavy planes and smoke coming from the building. and people standing on balconies waiting to be rescued. 21 people injured. one man is still unaccounted for. it is
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possible he left without telling anyone. investigators are looking into what started the fire. >> some other bay area news, oakland city workers are wrapping up two days today. more than 3500 employees walked off their jobs last monday. workers say the strike was over unfair labor practices related to bad safe bargaining. >> the animal control department is drastically cutting hours and closing doors on sundays and mondays. starting today, it will only be open five days a week. a few staff members will be on hand sundays and mondays just to handle emergencies. >> and on the coast, a beach is closing today through the month of november to restore the water shed. the parking lot and restrooms are closing. the parking lot will be repaved and put a new vault toilet in. >> time is 6:08.
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we go inside a flight simulate for with an expert. >> and more violence erupting in egypt. >> and a moving tribute in arizona. how 19 fallen firefighters are being honored. >> starting with low clouds and fog. more sunshine to come. and more temperatures too . we'll talk about that coming up. >> a big rig accident shuts down at least one lane of accident. details on this and complete look at monday drive in just a few minutes. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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surrounding the asiana airl crash at s-f-o. the airline says the pilot at the contrs had on me we're following several developments this morning surrounding the asiana airline crash at sfo. the airline says the pilot at the controls had
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only 43 hours of flying time on boeing 777. and it was his first time landing that type of aircraft at sfo. investigators say the pilot tried to aboert the -- abort the landing. the approach speed was slower than what was needed to land. >> a part of the investigation will focus on the pilot and why they seemed to be unaware the plane was flying too much. we met up with an instructor to demonstrate a landing on a run way similar to san francisco's. >> that airspeed really is more. close to the right now. and the power idol . see that? i already crashed right there. see. >> investigators will also look at some run way equipment at the san francisco airport that was
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out of service on saturday. that equipment a glide slope indicator is used to help determine their altitude on approach. the two chinese teenagers who died in a crash were heading to a study abroad program at west valley christian church in the valley. part of a group of 35 students going to spend the summer with families learning english. instead, some may return home to china. >> some developing news out of egypt. 40 people were killed today in clashes involving supporters of the aufted president morsi. police opened fire outside a military building. the military says it began with armed protestors tried to storm the building. supporters said the attack was unprovoked. this morning 40 people are still missing days after a tanker train derailed in canada. look at the video. the 73 car train was carrying crude
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oil when it went out of control on saturday igniting explosions and fires in a small city in eastern quebec. the prime minister toured the town and said 30 buildings were destroyed. >> today ntsb investigators are on their way to alaska after a small plane crash killing all 10 people on board. happened just before noon yesterday is he soldotna airport. the air taxi apparently went down shortly after taking off. it burst flew flames keeping firefighters from getting to the wreckage quickly. tomorrow a memorial service will honor the 19 firefighters killed last week. thousands of people stood in triple degree heat to pay tribute to the firefighters yesterday. 19 herses carried their remains from phoenix to prescott where they were based. the hotshots crew died while building a fire
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line. >> a week ago today bart was on strike for the first day. you missed all that traffic madness. a far cry from today. >> yes, bart strike. if you haven't heard yet , the bart strike is over. and they did resume service this past friday. they are offering a normal schedule this morning. no delays for the bart system. the big story would be this accident in the santa rosa area where a fully loaded big rig jack knifed down a ditch. this is on the 101. at this point no lanes are shout down. once the tow truck gets on scene, expect the right lane to be shut down. 101 before todd. a very busy woodside road shut down in both directions between hess and vanita. expect a delay. this is on the 101 side of woodside road. 880/237 inter change,
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that's been trouble free. no major problems for 880. and as we mentioned to you, bart strike is over for now. they are offering full service. no delays for bart, muni, call train or the -- cal train or the commuter express. the back ups began early. everybody is back from vacation. and traffic is very slow from the 880 over crossing. the golden gate commute has been trouble free. 580/680 inter change, westbound 580 through the dublin inter change is moving well. it's going to be slow from the pass leaving the 205 inter change. now to lawrence. >> low clouds and fog stretching around a good part of the bay area this morning along the coastline and inside the bay. as we head throughout the day, warmer temperatures. and high pressure slides back in overhead. if you are headed out the door, gray skies in many spots. as you approach the
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coastline and warmer afternoon away from the immediate coastline. that's minor changes. looking like a very nice week ahead. high pressure building in out of the southwest. i think it will stay a little cooler. still you'll see 90s in the valleys. low clouds and fog likely to persist and that will keep those temperatures down. if you like the hot weather, head to the central valley. 97 in sacramento. 101 in yosemite. and 80s in the south bay. 83 in santa clara and 84 in redwood city. 60s towards the coast. and 80s and 90 s by the afternoon. inside the bay, you'll feel that sea breeze. slow burn off and cooler temperatures too. 70 in alameda. 72 in oakland and 67 in san francisco. if you want to check out the giant's game. they need fans out there to cheer them on.
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looks like it will be fair and cool. temperature about 58. game time will be about 7:15. next couple days, minor changes in the weather. warming up tomorrow. and cool right back down to wednesday and thursday. and guess what? back up again toward next weekend. no triple digits in the forecast. >> yes, it is. it's a relief. thanks. >> thanks, lawrence. coming up, a whale of a tale. how a surf ergot er got clobbered. >> the giants take one step forward and another one back. the dodgers did damage over the weekend. come on back. a surfer is recovering after getting too close to a whalf >> but first, a look at the new eastern span of the bay bridge. >> this is a bay bridge highlight from kpix 5. >> to protect fish and marine
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life from the sound of pile driving, used a curtain of bubbles to help keep animals away and muscle the sound waves. researchers say the bubble curtains don't just save the lives of these animals but reduce stress the sounds may cause. >> this bay bridge highlight is sponsored by that u-verse wireless receiver. nine with you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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to a whale off the australi coast. a "southern right wh swam surfers check this out. a surfer is recovering after getting too close to a whale off the australian coast. a southern white whale swam up to a group of surfers. things were fine until the whale flipped tail and knocked him unconscious. found him face down in the water and rescued him. >> a rare monday morning appearance for your boy here. here to give you horse racing news. hall of fame jackie russell won 12,000th race late on sunday. it was his last race and all time winningest jockey. he won aboard a horse called handful of pearls. here are the giants. chad out there and he did not disappoint. 7 innings, nine
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strike outs. gave up one run. tied at one in the 9th. bases loaded. found a hole. this one off of surge i don't see romo. dodgers win the game 4-1. mets coming in later on today. doing it in kansas city. backed away and got a two run job. four rbis for the day. the as keep on hammering away. erik takes to right for his first of the season. as beat for 10-4. second seat andy murray finally did it. he knocked off top seed novik to become the first brit since 1936 to win. it was a span of 77 years. a long wait before they party in the oasis of the union jack. have a good day, everybody.
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>> we're going to go back to that game. play of the day. giant catcher. quick throw to second base. andre trying to get in there. you were out in a big way. that's your play of the day. that was at at&t park. mets are in town tonight . >> good luck to them. 6:25 right now. coming up, will the bay bridge open on time. the key question is being asked by law makers today. >> too low and too slow. how pilot inexperience may have played a factor in this weekend's deadly plane crash. >> reporter: doctors are preparing for more surgeries. what the hospital needs most. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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mallicoat. and i'm michelle griego. we will find out today if the bay bridge will open. >> there's 14 kids at the park. proceeded to get in the street and continue to shoot.
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>> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on kpix 5 news this morning. >> good morning, it's monday july the 8th. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6 :30. developing news from sfo where a boeing 777 still sits after it came to a stop. the wreckage likely there all week. cate caugurian is at the airport with the details coming out of the investigation. >> reporter: good morning. investigators are trying to figure out if it was the pilot's inexperience that could have played a role. asiana airlines says this was the pilot's first time landing into sfo. the airline tells us he was an experienced flyer but still in training with this type of aircraft. he had flown this
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type of plane nine times clocking 43 hours flying time. here's an animation of what happened seconds before saturday's crash. the pilot struggled. he tried to abort the landing and try to go back up in the air after he realized he was flying too slow and too low. >> i will tell you the speed was significantly below 137 knots. and we're not talking about a few knots. >> reporter: the airline says the co-pilot did have more experience. he had at least 3400 hours of flying time. investigators still have their work cut out for them. still plan on interviewing the crew. also know that korean air safety will be joining this investigation. cate caugurian, kpix 5. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh you're filming it. >> oh, my god. oh, my god.
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>> you're taking a look at this incredible video out now of the crash as it happened. an amateur photographer was in the right place at the right time. that is the voice of fred there. he and his wife were taking a walk saturday and decided to videotape planes at the airport when the crash happened. >> we may find out if one of the victims was killed by a rescue vehicle on the run way. an autopsy on wang lin jia and ye meng yuan are expected later today. it is possible an emergency vehicle rushing to the scene may have hit one of the girls and killed her. the girls were heading to a summer camp with their classmates in southern california. we've seen a lot of activity outside sf general. 6 are in critical condition including one child. 10 passengers are at stanford.
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sue kwon is at san francisco general. >> reporter: we have a lot of activity expected today including an official update at 11:00. doctor told us they are preparing for a busy day. she says that they are going to be working on setting broken bones and dealing with abdominal injuries. right after that video was shot, patients were rushed here to sf general. 53 in all and half of them were children. this morning, we have 17 still being treated. 6 in critical condition. and these were patients with injuries from head trauma, spine fractures, road race, suggesting some passengers may have been dragged. the doctor also talked about the mood inside the hospital. >> what i've seen in them is very resilient type of a mood.
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nobody is like they are depressed. they are very grateful for the care they've gotten. we haven't quite seen the other side. i would imagine that people that finally realized what happened to them and what happened to the airplane might have longer term emotional things such as post traumatic stress disorder. we haven't yet seen that. >> reporter: now, about an hour ago we saw about a dozen people who appear to be either survivors or family members boarding an muni bus. appeared to be in great spirits and good physical condition. one person carrying crutches with him. this morning, the doctor tells us because of the need for these surgeries there is a blood shortage. in addition to that, many of the survivors and family members arriving don't have their baggage. don't have additional clothes. we will work on finding out how to get
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the donations to the people who need them most and also expecting to see more family members in the hospital. family members will be coming from china possibly here to sf general if this is where their loved ones are. out pouring of support for the victims for the survivors. 1.7 million posts which is the top chinese social media site. a lot of thoughts going out to the survivors here at sf general. back to you, frank. >> absolutely. sue kwon live for us. thanks. we're learning a lot more about the history of this plane. it was rolled out in february of 06 delivered about a month later. ntsb says the aircraft logged about 36,000 hours and flown 5,000 cycles which are take offs and landings. let's go to debra, the chief investigator for the
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national transportation and safety board. thanks for joining us. i know you are very busy. curious, we're now seeing video of the crash itself. how helpful will that be and is there other video of the crash itself? >> you know, video is always helpful to our investigators and i think it helped tell the story to the public of what happened. we have asked anybody who got photos, videos or witness interview to share those with us if they'd like. they can do that on our web site. but we do take that information and it helps us corroborate all of the evidence we've gathered with those additional viewpoints. >> what about cameras at the airport? >> yes, and we're looking at security and surveillance and safety cameras at the airport. they can be very helpful. we've got cameras stationary and cameras that might be on vehicles like the emergency
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response vehicles. we'll be taking a look at all of that. >> we look at the fuselage and you see the actual crash itself. it's amazing only two people passed away in this crash. are they more safe? they must be now. >> there are so many design changes that have gone into the air cast over the last few deco owe aircraft over the last few decades. improving the seat strength and survive ability. evacuation procedures and how people get out. all contribute to the survive ability. it's not all or nothing in an airplane crash as we certainly saw here. a lot of survivors. for everybody who is watching, pay attention during that safety briefing and know where your exit paths are. >> that's certainly good advice and certainly the number of survivors, doesn't that help
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with the investigation as well? >> certainly in every sense we want to have survivors. it does help with our investigation. they can provide us information. we want to look at the survive ability of the aircraft. we're documenting over 300 seats but understanding where people were sitting, what injuries they received. with the cabin crew and the flight crew surviving, they can provide extremely helpful information to our investigators about their experiences, what happened and how it happened. we're looking to interview the flight crew today. >> curious, there was the united flight getting ready to take off after that one was about to land. will you talk to the pilots on that plane as well? >> that is also something we can do. talk to the air traffic controllers and first responders. we have heard from pilots and others in the vicinity. they've talked to our investigators and provided us
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with their observations. all of this information is helpful to our investigators. we're just two days in to our investigation and still have a mountain of information to go through. so that will take some time to sort through it all. >> certainly a long way to go. thank you so much for joining us this morning and giving us an update. remember that you can stay with kpix 5 and for the latest on the crash landing. we have more video of the plane crash from viewers as well as survivor stories online. >> certainly weather will be one thing they are going to look at. winds out of the southwest 7 miles per hour. it was a beautiful day. >> i don't think it was anything weather related. usually micro bursts, nothing like that. we are seeing low clouds and fog stretching on shore again into the bay. looks like that will clear out. by the afternoon, a whole lot of this. sunshine coming our way.
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temperatures beginning to warmup a few more degrees. cloudy skies over the bay bridge as the on-shore flow returned. cooler temperatures out toward the coastline. mainly in the 50s if you are stepping outside now. by the afternoon, warm in spots. 87 in morgan hill. east bay temperatures sneaking up back into the 90s. 93 in pleasanton. inside the bay, it will take a little longer. and comfortable 72 in oakland. let's check out the roads. >> hey there, we're going to go to chopper 5 this morning. the first drive back into work. certainly quite busy at the bay bridge toll plaza. so expect those delays now. feeling like a monday morning rush. check on the santa rosa
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commute. the chp issues an advisory. north 101 before todd because of a jack knifed big rig. that right lane shut down in the santa rosa area. woodside road very busy. remains closed because of that massive apartment fire over the weekend. there are detours in place. five minute delay through that detour. the bart strike is over. bart trains resumed service last friday at 3:00. no delays for bart, muni, cal train. that's traffic. now to news. >> time is 6:41. coming up, state treasure r isn't running for office. so why is he in a $2.2 million war. >> what other travelers are dealing with in the wake of the asiana plane crash coming up. >> the market just opened up
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about 10 minutes ago. a quick look at the early numbers. so far looking good. coming up, an update from financial reporter jason brooks. ,,
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mom, frank ate the bones. no i didn't. you ate the bones. no, you ate the bones. nobody ate any bones. so, frank didn't eat the bones? no honey, frank did not eat any bones. well he's breathing on me. no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are. [ male announcer ] it's kfc original recipe without the bones freshly prepared white or dark meat boneless and skinless try a 10 piece mixed bucket for just $14.99. today tastes so good.
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so delays could be worse th normal today. only 3 of sfo's run ways are open this morning as the investigation continues into the crash of flight 214. we checked flight stats and cancellations and more divers have been reported. those flights are likely headed over to oakland international. no major problems. but do check. passengers have been scrambling
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to find alternative plans some even spentd the night sleeping on the floor. >> calling around looking for hotels and there's no hotels left. >> passengers should check with possible schedule changes. >> this morning the market is trying to build on friday's games. >> jason brooks on a monday morning. >> good morning. we had a pretty nice finish to the week. it was a holiday short week. a lot of traders took friday off. the june job's report was out. better than expected. the dow was up 150 points. and that was refreshing because of late. good economic news has resulted in stocks heading lower because of all the speculation of tapering monthly bond issues. could be a sign investors are settling in and react to good news. good news for the economy which will workout for stocks eventually. corporate earnings
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get underway today. kicks things off not expected to be a great second quarter. a survey by s&p iq looked for a 3% profit gain. that's down from prior estimate of 7% back in april. also oil prices are elevated right now above $103 a barrel for the first time in 14 months. part of that on the june job's report if more people are out working, more demand for gas and because of the on-going unrest in egypt. critical for a lot of oil shipment. 65% of the world's oil reserves are in the middle east. stocks off to a good start. right now the dow is higher by 85 points. nasdaq is gaining 13. s&p by 9 points. back to you. >> all right . jason brooks. thank you. >> time for a little weather. lawrence in the house . >> yes, and we have a good week
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ahead. no major heat weaves -- heat weaves. or a heat wave either. a heat weave, that's going to be trouble. not this week. we're going to see sunshine coming our way. low clouds and fog. early on. gray skies. delay s at sfo. a lot of sunshine for most this afternoon with warmer weather and minor changes for the week ahead. high pressure building out of the southwest as it moves in. no major heat wave like last week. along the coastline, not much change at all. low clouds and fog early on. showing the clouds breaking back towards the coastline. sitting out at the beaches. lots of sunshine inside the bay and the valleys. temperatures are going to be warmer outside. 87 in morgan hill. about 77 in union city. and 66 in half-moon bay. sneaking back into the 90s in some of the warmer spots.
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getting hot into livermore and brentwood and antioch. inside the bay the temperatures running into the 60s and 70s. next couple days, a little warmer and cool things down before warming slightly again toward the weekend. let's check on the roads. >> getting reports of a closure in the oakland area. some type of police activity shut down at east 21st and 23rd. this is affecting ac transit service. bus number 14 is rerouted around the closure expect some delays getting through there. as we check on the santa rosa commute, that's where we've been watching the jack knifed big rig accident. nearly an hour old now. north 101 before todd. also very slow for the pass. 580 backed up from the 205 inter change and that stays heavy near
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580. this is the first morning back after last week's bart strike. they are offering full service this morning. the bart strike is over, if you haven't heard. bart reporting no delays. as we check on it, i don't know if we have the chopper 5 pictures but chopper 5 was over the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are on and traffic is backed up to the maze. >> all right. thank you. time now for a look on what's coming up later on cbs this morning. >> charlie's got the day off. anthony mason is live in new york. >> reporter: good morning. coming up, we'll expand on the coverage of the asiana crash. talk to the woman in charge of the investigation. plus, the latest images, new survival stories and the captain here in studio 57. why so many people were able to walk away from that
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horrific crash. also after historic win, andy murray will be with us. the news is back in the morning. see you all at 7:00. >> all right, anthony. we'll be watching. >> announce s he's retiring after four decades in elected office. >> just a few days ago, he opened a campaign account at the lieutenant governor's office. and here to explain is melissa griffin, attorney and columnist for the san francisco examiner. the big question is why. >> why do you open an account for an office you clearly have no intention of running for? exactly, the answer as it frequently is is money. prior to announcing his resignation at the end of this term as state treasurer, he announced he was going to run for state controller and collected about $2.2 million in campaign donations. but the state controller's office is going to
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be elected in 2014 and he needs more time to give away that money. he opened an account to run for lieutenant governor. that gives him four more years. we have a quote from his campaign spokesman. he just wants to make sure he has the ability to support, select candidates or causes. or meet out justice as we like to say. that's what he plans to do with that $2.2 million. he can continue to collect money in that account up until 2018 or so when he could announce he's going to run in 2022. kind of can keep going forever even though he has said he's leaving politics. >> the crazy thing is it's a common place. >> it actually happens with frequency. if you look at the people who filed to run, you'll see people like state senator. congressman kevin mccarthy. they just need a place to park
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money to meet out punishment. for example, state senator mark leno is up for a leadership position. and he'll be using that money. to sort of build up favor and maybe get that leadership position. >> and quickly, why would anyone donate? >> exactly. seems silly givening money to an office no one is running for. here's the deal, because of state campaign finance limits, if i've exhausted contribution limit, i can give to another candidate with the understanding that that candidate is going to give to candidates and causes i agree with. it's a way. very common. >> politics . it's better than sports. >> it is a sport. >> all right. thank you so much. and remember you can find more of melissa's segments on
6:54 am >> coming up on kpix 5, we will give you an update on the investigation and give you more information how investigators are questioning the pilot's experience with the boeing 777. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ñáçwçñ
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of aircraft. this was the f time he had flown the boeing 7-7-7 into sfo. airline officials sat he had flown e triple-7 nine time. clockina modest 43-hours s co-pilot assisti welcome back to kpix 5. we are learning new information about the pilot of saturday's boeing 777. he was a veteran flyer but new to this type of aircraft. it was the first time he had flown the boeing 777 into sfo. officials say he had flown the 777 about 9 times clocking 43 hours of flight time. his co-pilot had more experience.
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he had about 3400 flight time. the plane was traveling significantly below target speed and the crew tried to abort the landing. now investigators are trying to figure out if the inexperience played a role in saturday's crash. investigators still have to interview the crew in this investigation but we should be getting more information at the 11:00 press conference. reporting live cate caugurian kpix 5. >> could be announced today whether the new eastern span will open labor day weekend as scheduled. those overseeing the project are scheduled to brief law makers in sacramento. and issue whether the contractor will finish two seismic. also questions about the durability of 2200 other high strength bolts. >> a final check of weather and traffic. and lawyer hence is here to tell us it's a beautiful day. >> going to be a great day.
6:59 am
sunshine outside. starting out with low clouds and fog. couple low 60s outside. by the afternoon, 80s. even hot 90s beginning to show up. plenty of 70s inside the bay. 80s in towards san jose and 60s along the coast. cool back down into wednesday and thursday. slight warming toward next weekend. >> looking like a regular monday morning on this day back after the long weekend. it's now backed up towards the foot of the maze with those metering lights. a nice change would be the san mateo bridge. see a little slowing as you approach the high rise section and bart offering full service this morning. everything is well for the bart system. no delays for bart, muni, cal train or the commuter express. >> that is good news. all right. thank you . and thanks for watching kpix 5 news this morning. the next update is 7:25. >> cbs this morning is next.
7:00 am
we'll have the very latest on flight 214. have a great day, everybody. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, july 8th, 2013. welcome to cbs this morning. the plane that crashed in san francisco may have been coming in too slow. with a pilot in training at the controls. the former head of the ntsb and the hero on the hudson are here. >> eliot spitzer joins us with why he's getting back into politics. >> and we'll talk to wimbledon champ andy murray about making tennis history. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> during the approach, the data indicate that the air speed was


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